Folklore ensemble “Kambarkan” is one of the oldest collective in republic. It has been created in 1988. In structure of ensemble young, but professional musicians who were united with huge love to national tools and the Kirghiz folk music.
The ensemble “Kambarkan” is unique collective where the most ancient musical instruments are collected, such as: komuz, kyl-kyak, temir-komuz, kerney, sunray, sybyzgy, jylaajyn, dobulbas, zuuldak, astayak, choor, chopo-choor etc.
The basis of repertoire of ensemble is made with products of such outstanding national composers like: Toktogul, Niyazaly, Murataly, Atay, Ybrai, Karamoldo. The repertoire of ensemble amazes listener with various processing and transpositions of national songs, melodies and folk tunes, fragments from the epos “Manas”, ceremonial and genre dances.
Japanese firm “Min-On” to Japan for the time period of 45 days, for participation on the international folklore festival devoted to “The Great Silk Way”. Concerts of “Kambarkan” passed with a tremendous success and the “Kambarkan” has received the repeated invitation for the period of 2.5 months soon.
Today the ensemble “Kambarkan” became one of the most popular collectives presenting unique national folklore to citizens and guests of our country.